Sunday, February 27, 2011

Family Ties

From sewing

I just googled about the 80s show Family Ties hoping that it would ring some bells and I would start this blog post with a witty line. I have to admit, besides the fact that Michael J Fox was in it, I remember nothing else.

From the pictures and clips I saw, only Michael J Fox's character was sporting the occasional tie.

Let's talk about ties.

About a month ago, I took a class at the workroom with Emily and learned how to sew a tie. A tie that Dustin wore to his conference in San Francisco this past week. (Funny story: while Dustin was humbly boasting about the tie I made him, his colleague Mike was humbly showing off the cufflinks that his wife, Danielle, made him. Both Danielle and I are engineers in jobs that are a means to an end...)

The class was really so much fun. It's one of the easier things to sew, once you have a pattern and some quick instruction from Karyn. And although a cotton tie doesn't sound like it could be formal enough to wear at formal functions, I think it's all in the choice of fabric pattern.

I chose a sunny yellow with fine blue and green lines.


  1. mighty fine tie there. must be because you had the company of a mighty fine lady.

  2. So awesome!! I *really do* have to go with you one time :) I just purchased a bunch (and I'm talking A LOT) of new fabrics with the intention of sewing each and every single one of my summer skirts and dresses this spring, lol!!

  3. Ugh, I wish I had my sewing machine already. I'm getting it in May and I can't wait. Maybe we could have a tutorial when you're in town next? Kelly's Sewing Corner? How To Make It Dunwell with Kelly? Bobbin It Up with Kelly?

  4. Just started reading your post and came upon this blog entry! I enjoyed the little recap about Dustin and Mike showing off to each other in SF ;) You've got a fantastic blog - love the photos and the stories.
