Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Idiot Laughing on the Subway

I just started listening to the podcast Spilled Milk. One of the cohosts is the lovely Molly Wizenberg, author of the book A Homemade Life and fabulous food blog Orangette.

All of which I highly recommend.

But I have a dilemma.

The podcast is funny, and it does not take much for me to lose control and laugh with my entire body. Even when I'm on the subway.

I was the idiot laughing on the subway today. I'm not talking about a smile and a chuckle. I'm talking about a grin from ear to ear, gasps of air as I attempt to regain composure before my abs quit on me, and uncontrollable shaking. My shoulders and chest do the laughing shake that you think only a cartoon-grandpa would do on tv.

It doesn't help that I'm staring at nothing. It's not like I'm laughing at what I'm reading, or even a movie on my ipod. I don't know where to look when I have these laugh-attacks. I just stare at my feet and hope that people see that I'm wearing headphones.

Do I care? Should I care? I've seen worse things on the subway. but usually late at night. Not during rush hour surrounded by men in suits, and women with perfect hair and makeup.

So far, I've listened to episodes on Ramen, Parships, Hot Dogs, and Spouseless Eating. I love it. And need to figure something out.  Perhaps I need to start perfecting my hair and makeup and sporting a smart-looking-suit?


  1. thanks for the podcast recommendation! and you should've worry - everyone needs laughter in their day. and if the ppl on the subway don't know what you're laughing least they might get a seratonin burst smiling at you for enjoying yourself! x

  2. That is so awesome!! As someone who has done the exact same thing, trust me when I say everyone knows the laughter must be the result of some techy device :P When I see someone walking down the street by themselves and their lips are moving, I immediately assume they are talking on a bluetooth headset as opposed to talking to themselves.

    I am streaming the podcast now, great stuff!!

    Hope you are doing well, sweetie :)

  3. Laugh like nobody is watching!!

  4. Be yourself Mui Mui,you can gurgle,laugh or even cry ! However,watch your steps!

    I am a BBC (born before computer)don't know much about today 's new stuffs :iiii eeee !!!??? :(

    Enjoy your podcast!
