Monday, May 23, 2011

Cake pops and eclairs

I hope everyone enjoyed the May long weekend, sunshine-rain-thunder-lightning and all!

Before the start of the weekend, my coworker, Jelena, baked the most delicious goodies for the office as it was her last day with the department. She spent her Thursday night baking up a storm, and I canNOT believe how amazing the hazelnut eclairs were. That's right: HAZELNUT eclairs. If I manage to get her mom's recipe, I'll share. Maybe.

Saturday was spent in Hamilton with the usual group of friends plus 4 babies and 3 dogs.

A couple changes this year: instead of an entire cottage weekend, an afternoon bbq. Instead of the usual gloomy, damp weather, gorgeous sunshine with just the right amount of cloud cover.

Things that stayed the same: great company, and a spectacular Frisbeer Tournament.

Our version of frisbeer involves a frisbee, some beer cups on sticks, and a drink in hand. Our friend, Katie, designs amazing cake pops. She crafted some beer cups on sticks just for the event. Super cute and super delicious.

Thank you long weekend! May you come again soon!


  1. That sounds like a really fun weekend! And weather WAS nice this year! Would love to try one of those cake pops...

  2. I finally figured it out, and so I comment....ditto to great company and fantastic cake pops!
