Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Baby Sunbonnet: Success!

After a little encouragement from the peanut gallery, I have successfully sewn Lily a sunhat that is functional and fashionable!

My first attempt at a baby sunhat back in March was embarrassing. I had decided to create my own design with little to no research or hat-sewing-experience; after all, how hard could a hat be? I was very wrong. Not only did it not fit, but I realized it was not well designed. Children's hats need a tie so they can't swat the hat off. I also realized that Lily would benefit more from a bonnet rather than a sunhat whose brim went all around the head. With a full brim, she had trouble lying back in her stroller or carseat.

By June, I still had not sewn Lily a new hat. With this unending sunny weather, I desperately needed to purchase one to tide us over. I found a really great bonnet at Diaper-eez in Bloor West Village and it fit Lily for a full 2 weeks before it was barely shielding the sun from her eyes. Here was my chance to redeem myself (and finally be worthy of Jenn's praise) and make her a bonnet that was the right size -- and with room to grow so it would last into the autumn.

I took some pointers from the bonnet we had bought and reworked it a bit. A bonnet is essentially three pieces: the back of the head, the brim of the hat, and the piece in the middle that joins the two.

With some basic pattern drafting skills that I picked up from (none other than) the workroom, I created a cute little sun bonnet with a nice large brim for Lily. I chose a lightweight cotton with blue trucks, a boyish touch to an otherwise girly hat!


  1. SHE'S SOOOO CUTE!!! Love the hat on her!! :)
    Cant wait to see you guys in a couple of weeks!!


  2. Kelly - WHEN do u get the time to do all this?!?! You're amazing! Lily is adorable :)


  3. That. Is. An. Awesome. Hat. I TOTALLY know what you mean about if there's a brim at the back then they can't lean their head back...or the hat shifts because the back keeps rubbing against where they are sitting when they are turning their head back and forth. This is why we ended up getting Ellie a baseball cap.

    AWESOME bonnet! I love it! Very Pride and Prejudice.

  4. I praise you. You are domestic goddess, mother-extraordinaire. Here I am, on my knees and humbled before your crafty creations.
