Peas, sir. I want some more.

Last year, we planted peas in our balcony garden. We followed the instructions on the back of the packet of seeds. "Sow 10cm apart." My coworker was appalled. He never follows that. Apparently we should have sown the whole darn packet and packed the peas in as much as we could.

This year, we used the rest of the packet of seeds from last year and we also planted a whole other packets. 4 times the seeds as last year!

We'll see how it goes. I feel like there was some method to their madness when they provided a guideline of sowing distances, but I guess there's only one way to tell.

From garden

They started sprouting after the intense rainfall that we received just over a week ago and are about three inches tall now. There doesn't appear to be as many little sprouts as there were seeds, but I'm hoping for lots more in the next few days!

Skitten  – (April 20, 2010 at 11:30 AM)  

They are afraid that too many plants grown close together will compete for nutrients. Eventually the stronger ones will strangle the weak ones so keep a close eye for that and yank out the weak ones! I am going to miss my garden :(

Anonymous –   – (April 25, 2010 at 1:10 PM)  

I'm not entire sure that Kandice's response is enough to ap-peas your curiosity! oh. ha. ha.

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