Amy Butler's Weekender Bag
>> Wednesday, June 22, 2011 –
It's a good thing when friends motivate you. When we're in a slump, or simply don't believe we're capable, a little motivation from a good friend is usually all it takes.
I never used to think I could do distance running. In an effort to "keep up with my super cool friends" I've run 5km, 8km, and 10km races. (I just ran a personal best 5km in 28 minutes!)
So, when my friend Julie asked if I was interested in tackling a notoriously difficult sewing project: Amy Butler's Weekender Bag, I was oddly motivated by her eagerness. I read blog after blog where talented, competent sewers tackled this bag. Each review emphasized the importance of patience, and that the patience would definitely pay off.
It was difficult. 5 hours of cutting, approximately 15 hours of sewing, broken needles, broken pins.
Let's take a minute and go back to the race talk.
Every race I run, I find myself questioning why I decided to run the race to begin with. Oh, right, my friends were all doing it. About 15 minutes into the race, I vow never to sign up for a race again. But, and there is a but, by the time I get to the finish line, I'm overwhelmed with pride and can't wait to sign up for the next race.
I kept hoping that this weekender bag would follow a similar trend.
The final product really was shockingly impressive. The bags that Julie and I produced were fantastic. Fabric choices were so different, but great. Julie chose a red damask with polka dot piping; I used a graphic birdcage print with grey piping. All the difficult parts that we laboured over (some parts took me 4 tries to sew correctly) were barely noticeable.
Perhaps I need another friend to motivate me again one day!
As a side note, our other friend Kelly tackled a different Amy Butler bag and finished it in just one day. Isn't it just the cutest? Her choice of "patchwork-like" fabric added the perfect touch to bring the bag to another level.