A quick update on my garden. Yes, it is October, and my garden should be dead, but it is far from it.
First, the carnations. They are often viewed as the poor-man's roses. The bouquet an uneducated young high school boy would mistakenly purchase for his mother on mother's day. The "filler flower" that flower shops use to make a bouquet look more full. But in my garden, they are the center of attention.
My tomatoes are still coming. Although we only got two large tomatoes, the red and yellow cherry/tiny tims/grape tomatoes were abundant. Just this weekend we enjoyed a delicious mixed salad where each bite with a tomato from the garden sent a sweet explosion in the mouth.
We also put our small jasmine plant outside for the month of September. It quickly started to flower.
Finally, our strawberries. My coworker told me they were "ever bearing," meaning they will produce fruit all year round. Only recently did the plant start to produce fruit again -- in full force!