Family Ties
From sewing |
I just googled about the 80s show Family Ties hoping that it would ring some bells and I would start this blog post with a witty line. I have to admit, besides the fact that Michael J Fox was in it, I remember nothing else.
A little crafty, a little outdoorsy, a little delicious. All Dunwell.
From sewing |
From sewing |
I mentioned in a previous post about an event I was attending that supports microfinancing. The money went towards financial services (i.e. microloans) for people in Ecuador to alleviate poverty. Very similar to Kiva.
I play the piano. Not as well as I used to, but I still manage a song every now and then.
One early November morning, on the opening day of the 7th Harry Potter movie, I hammered out a butchered, although recognizable, version of Harry's Wondrous World on the piano.
I was rusty. I was half asleep (it was 6:30am). But I had a huge grin on my face because I knew I was waking Dustin up with a rush of excitement at the thought of watching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows later that night. Nothing sends a chill through your body like hearing a faint melody of awesomeness, although riddled with mistakes.
I have my mother to thank. I was never great at the piano. I lacked skill, and discipline. I lacked the ability to keep my finger nails short. But I still love the piano. My mother is a beautiful pianist. Her love of the piano encouraged me to practice, and although she probably doesn't know who Harry Potter is, I hope that story made her proud.
I thought it would be appropriate to sew her a quilt inspired by the concert piano. I love the colours of a piano concert hall: red velvet chairs, a jet black piano, a shimmery chandelier, deep brown walls. This picture even has a punch of tangerine in the flooring (I found the picture on the internet but there was not credit! Thank you Anonymous Piano Artist).
Thanks everyone for sharing about all your favourite charities and good-causes.
From Food |
Happy Tuesday! How's your day so far? My day started terribly: it took me one hour to travel 5 km of HWY 401. Not fun. So now I'm blogging to brighten my day, and maybe yours, too!!!
It's winter. It's cold and dry. I wear a scarf. I wear lipgloss.
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